20 Dec 2008

Eggnoodles with chickenbreast and cashews

From the very first moment I tasted chinese food, I loved it. Living in a place like Rotterdam it wasn't difficult to discover the restaurants where the Chinese themselves sat down to enjoy the (mostly) Cantonese kitchen. That's how we were introduced to oystersauce, watercress, sesame oil, black beansauce and hoisin sauce.

Now, 30 years later, these are common products in our supermarkets but at that time I had to search for it in Chinese toko's in Amsterdam. I can't remember where I've found the following recipe; it must have been a book and probably one of the Timelife series. It's been in my notebook for a long time and my children already loved it when they were young kids.


  • 400 gr. chickenbreast curved in small slices

  • white pepper, freshly ground

  • sunflower oil

  • 1/2 inch ginger root, in small slices

  • salt

  • 1 carrot in small slices

  • 1 red onion in slices

  • 300 br. broccoli in small parts

  • 1 clove of garlic

  • cashews, as much as you like

  • 1/2 cup chickenstock, warm

  • 2 tbsp. dark chinese soy sauce

  • 4 tbsp. dry sherry

  • 3/4 tbsp. cornflour

  • eggnoodles

  • sesame oil

Sprinkle the salt and white pepper over the chickenbreasts. Place the wok on the cooker and make sure it's warm before you put the sunflower oil in it. Wait till the oil is hot and stirfry the ginger root and chickenbreast in it, in about 3 minutes at high temperature. Take the chickenbreast out of the wok and keep it warm. In the meanwhile you can cook the water for the eggnoodles.

If necessary, add one tsp, sunflower oil in the wok and stirfry the carrot and broccoli in it. Add 3 tbsp. water and cover the wok for 4 minutes. After this, the water is evaporated. Now you can add the red onion and the cashews and stirfry again. Add the chickenbreast and stirfry again for one minute.

Move the vegetables and the chickenbreast out of the centre of the wok and add the chickenstock. In a small bowl; mix the soy sauce, the corn flour and the sherry. Pour the mixture in the centre of the wok and stir while it thickens. Stir the vegetables and chickenbreast through the sauce.

Add the eggnoodles to the boiling water and follow the instructions of the package about the cooking time. When they're done, drain them and add a tsp. of sesameoil. Put the eggnoodles in a deep dish and add the chickenbreast, vegetables and sauce.