23 May 2009

Seaweed bread

(Nederlandse vertaling volgt binnenkort)

Why didn't I know?

Why didn't anyone tell me?
Why didn't anyone convince me?

Why did I ever hesitate to follow this recipe of bread with seaweed in it!

The answer isn't very difficult; I'm just one of those people always leaving the pieces of seaweed in that delicious stock with salmon when we dine at a Japanes restaurant. You simply don't put ingredients in your bread that you dislike and because of the lack of recipes of this bread on the internet I pressume I'm not the only one.

Even during the proces of baking this bread I had my doubts; shouldn't I bake an extra different bread just in case.....................?

How wrong was I. The seaweed in this bread makes the bread taste very refined without the specific taste of seaweed. Maybe small children would object against 'those green little things in it' but I wanna bet you like this bread if you ever dare to taste it.

Seaweed bread (Richard Bertinet: Dough)
250 gr. white bread flour
250 gr. wholemeal four
10 gr. fresh yeast (or 5 gr. instant yeast)
10 gr. salt
340 ml. water
7 gr. dehydrated wakame seaweed weigehd before soaking (20 minutes soaked in warm water, drained and cut in small pieces)


Mix both the flours in a big bowl or container and rub the yeast in it. Add the water and mix the ingredients till none of them is dry anymore. Give the dough 25 minutes for autolyse.

After the autolyse: add the salt and knead the dough 7 minutes. At the end of the mixing; add the seaweed and continue mixing until it is evenly distributed through the dough. Shape the dough into a ball and leave it in a well oiled container to prove (this will take 45 minutes). After this, gave it two businessletter turns and leave it again to prove in 45 minutes. Repeat this once more. This will give a nice airy structure.

Turn the dough out onto a lightlt oiled working surface and form it into a banneton or oval bread. Roll it carefully through the semolina and leave it (covered) for the final proof till almost doubled in size. In the meantime preheat the oven to 480 dgr. F. (250 dgr. C.).

Turn the loaf on a bakingsheet and slash it like you're used to. Bake the loaf 45 minutes until well coloured. Remove it from the oven an leave it to cool down on an iron rack.

(this will be sent to Susan's blog Wild Yeast for the next Yeastspotting).


Lien said...

Would you have believed it? Would you have listened?

This is a funny loaf, I've baked it a while back. I think I just mixed the dried seeweed in without soaking it. It was a surprising loaf, not at all what I expected (normally not a seeweed eater myself ;D)

Yandoo said...

I also baked it without soaking the dried seaweed first. I think this way works fine as the seaweed flakes and disperses throughout the bread during the kneading phase.